Editor: Simulink 3D Animation™ lets you visualize dynamic system simulations in a 3D virtual Reality environment. It provides an interface Between MATLAB® and Simulink® and virtual reality graphics represented in Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). You can change position, rotation, size, and other properties of objects in the virtual world, enabling you to observe the dynamic behavior of your system. Simulink 3D Animation includes a viewer for rendering detailed virtual scenes and playing high-quality animations.
Key Features:
-Ability to link Simulink models with virtual reality worlds, enabling visualization and tracking of 3D object motion
-Tools for building, modifying, and viewing virtual reality worlds
-Video recording and animation Playback
-Visualization of real-time simulations
-Connection to common hardware input devices, including joysticks and 3D mice
-Client/server architecture, enabling collaboration among teams in multiple Locations
-Simulink tutorial